My art aims to help people construct new worlds of possibility. For the first twenty years of my life, I was taught a lot of things and questioned only a few of them. In the next twenty years of my life, I questioned everything and began to resist conformity to systems that were not designed for my benefit nor the benefit of most people.
I came to understand that we need a just transition from a world where people and the planet are exploited and neglected. With others, I began to work toward that world.
In addition to material deprivations, a lack of seeing what a more just world looks like and a lack of a felt connection to such a world is a limitation. Paolo Freire quoting Prof. Álvaro Vieira Pinto wrote that the “limit-situations” we face are not ‘the impassable boundaries where possibilities end, but the real boundaries where all possibilities begin; they are not ‘the frontier which separates being from nothingness, but the frontier which separates being from being more.
With my art, I hope to create windows into a world where we can be more in communion with nature and each other. I hope that my art aids real world movements for change. I engage other people, ideas, species, dreams, speculative fiction, and music toward this end.
I am a visual artist who explores freedom as a daily practice and as a series of creative experiments. I am inspired by Angela Davis who said “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” I endeavor to engage in creative refusal and constructive freedom dreaming to help produce a just transition.