… a blueprint for a new vision of safety
To achieve true safety, especially for the most vulnerable, the Biden Administration must Defund Fear.
- #1 Defund Punishment; Fund Accountability
- #2 Defund Suspicion; Fund Relationships
- #3 Defund Deprivation; Fund Resources
- #4 Defund Isolation; Fund Participation
Real safety happens when we bridge the divides and build relationships with each other, overcoming suspicion and distrust.
Real safety comes from strategic, smart investments—meaning resources directed towards our stability and well-being.
Real safety addresses the harms that the current system is failing to tackle, and holds people accountable for those harms while still holding them in community.
Real safety results from reinstating full humanity and agency for everyone who has been dehumanized and traumatized, so they can participate fully in society.
We’re already more than a week into the first 100 Days of the Biden administration.
We the people need to roll up our sleeves and hold our President and our institutions accountable to all of us.
How can you help Defund Fear? (You can start by buying the book, a blueprint for a new vision of safety beyond policing, punishment and prisons)
Thanks to the folks whose work I drew upon for policy recommendations:
Defund Fear is available for pre-order now, and will be out in bookstores starting February 2, 2021. Twelve days after the Inauguration. Pre-orders really help the book succeed and are greatly appreciated.
This is the final in a series of six posts, building up to the launch of my book Defund Fear tomorrow. Each post draws out, from the book and from the wider community, the specific steps the new administration must take in order to prioritize the safety and security of people in America.